Cable TV Tower – Data Centre Conversion

Cable TV Tower – Data Centre Conversion

Cable TV Tower -Data Centre Conversion is a commercial project located in the Cable TV Tower in the Tsuen Wan district of Hong Kong. The Cable TV tower was originally constructed as a mixed industrial-commercial building with 41 floors and a height of 197 meters in 1993.

The current project represents the first time a data center will be EDGE-certified, with plans calling for the conversion of the industrial space on the 12th floor into data centre space to meet the digital needs of the 21th century. The project consists of a partial re-use and retrofit of the existing industrial building parts, with construction being limited to internal areas. External works will be minimal and limited to repair and maintenance tasks. Construction works associated with the project are scheduled to conclude within 12 months.

Substantial savings in energy, water, and energy embodied in construction materials were achieved through the use of state-of-the-art technologies. Insulation of the roof, ground and external walls, use of energy-efficient glazing, an energy-efficient AC system reduce the project’s energy use, while water-efficient plumbing fixtures reduce its water use. The use of existing building elements such as floor, roof and external walls, and the limiting of construction work to internal walls result in a further substantial reduction of energy embodied in materials and consequentially a lower carbon footprint for the entire data centre conversion project.

Cable TV Tower – Data Centre Conversion has received a Preliminary EDGE Certificate from Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency (HKQAA).

Predicted Savings of EDGE Certification


Energy Savings*


Water Savings


Less Embodied Energy in Materials

*Part of the energy efficiency percentage may be associated with virtual energy for comfort depending on the presence of heating and cooling systems. Note that virtual energy does not contribute savings to utility bills.

Technical Solutions


Reduced window to wall ratio, roof insulation, insulation of ground/exposed slab, insulation of external walls, low-E coated glass, water-cooled screw chiller HVAC system, and other energy-saving measures accounting for 21% of energy savings.


Low-flow showerheads, low-flow faucets for private and public bathrooms and kitchen sinks, low-flow water closets for private and public bathrooms, low-flow urinals.


Re-use of existing construction for floor and roof, re-use of existing walls for external walls, timber studs with plasterboards and solid brick with plaster on both sides for internal walls, re-use of existing glazing and window frames, and finished concrete and nylon carpets for flooring.


Cable T V Tower, 9 Hoi Shing Rd, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong


Preliminary EDGE Certificate


January 1, 2022

Floor Space (m2)


Total CO2 Savings (annually)


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