Who are the approved certifiers of EDGE?
Sintali and GBCI (Green Business Certification Inc.) are approved certifiers, active in all markets where projects can be designed and certified with EDGE except for Colombia, where CAMACOL is the exclusive provider of certification services.
Certifiers operating in most countries

Sintali operates in all countries where EDGE projects can be designed except Colombia and countries where UK sanctions are in place.

Green Business Certification Inc.
GBCI operates in all countries where EDGE projects can be designed except Belarus, Colombia, Cuba, Iran, Russia, Sudan, and Syria.

Bureau Veritas
Africa: 53 countries in Africa Asia: China, Indonesia, Philippines, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistán, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Maldive Europe: Germany, Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania
Countries where multiple certifiers are operating

Costa Rica, Panama, Nicaragua, Honduras, EI Salvador, Guatemala, Belize, Philippines, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Rwanda, Botswana, Namibia, Kenya, Mauritius, Uganda, Tanzania, Morocco, Ethiopia, Swaziland, Lesotho, Mozambique, Hong Kong SAR, and China

Green Business Certification Inc.
Costa Rica, Panama, Nicaragua, Honduras, EI Salvador, Guatemala, Belize, Philippines, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Rwanda, Botswana, Namibia, Kenya, Mauritius, Uganda, Tanzania, Morocco, Ethiopia, Swaziland, Lesotho, Mozambique, Hong Kong SAR, Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines, and China
Green Building Council Indonesia
Philippine Green Building Initiative
Green Building Council Costa Rica
Costa Rica, Panama, Nicaragua, Honduras, EI Salvador, Guatemala, and Belize

Green Building Council of South Africa
GBCSA is active in all 54 countries of Africa.

Hong Kong Quality Assurance Authority (HKQAA)
Hong Kong SAR, China

Bureau Veritas
Africa: 53 countries in Africa Asia: China, Indonesia, Philippines, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistán, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Maldive Europe: Germany, Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania
Find out more about how to certify a project and view pricing.