
3rd IFC EDGE Ghana Students Design Competition

Sign up for the 3rd IFC EDGE Ghana Students Design Competition!


Download Full Competition Guidelines

The Third Annual EDGE Student Design Competition, invites aspiring designers to showcase their talents and innovative solutions for sustainable building design. Supported by Switzerland through the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), the EDGE Student Design Competition, now in its third year, is an opportunity for students and recent graduates to exhibit their expertise in developing sustainable and cost-efficient building designs.


• Students studying Built Environment and construction-related courses in local tertiary and foreign institutions who have taken the DfGE course or can show proof of registration for the course.

• Recent graduates (3 years out of school) who have taken the DfGE course or can show proof that they have registered for the course can provide their course certificates with the final submission.


• All expenses paid trip to South Africa to attend Green Building Council South Africa (GBCSA) Green Building Convention including registration and lodging

• Free EDGE expert training including examination and certification

• Local press and media coverage

• Participation certificate (all participants)


Registration Deadline: 10th August 2024

Submission Deadline: 26th August 2024

Register Here

Event Details

August 10, 2024 - August 26, 2024



IFC EDGE & Yecham Property Consult

Email Organizer

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