Webinar Series: Unlocking Investment for Green and Resilient Hotels
The Sustainable Hospitality Alliance and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) are partnering in a free webinar series around the theme of unlocking investments for green, resilient hotels.
3 Sessions on Green and Resilient Hotels
The hotel sector is a growing industry that needs to limit its carbon emissions: 66% reductions of emissions per room are needed by 2030 and 90% per room are needed by 2050 to comply with global climate change goals. At the same time, hotels are feeling the impacts of climate change through increased storms, water scarcity, and sea level rise.
To address these challenges, the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) are launching a webinar series around the theme of “unlocking investments for green and resilient hotels.”
The webinar series, comprised of 3 sessions described below, includes solutions for different actors in the industry value chain, specifying the learning outcomes and audience for each topic. You can find short descriptions below – clicking on the session will provide you with more information and the option to register.
Session 1: Unlocking Investments for Green and Resilient Hotels
April 6, 2023
In this session, you will discover the importance of climate-proofing the hotel industry and the strong business case for green and resilient hotels. You will gain an overview of some of the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance’s free tools and resources to help kickstart your climate journey. You will also hear about IFC’s climate solutions for the hotel industry, built on the experience of investing over $3.2 billion in 335 hotel projects across 95 countries. As a member of the World Bank Group, IFC has a range of technical tools and financing programs hotels responding to the climate change challenge.
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Session 2: Introduction to EDGE for Hotels
April 27, 2023
EDGE is a green building standard and a certification system that empowers building professionals to quickly and easily determine the most cost-effective ways to build green. During the live demo of the EDGE platform, you will see how the built-in financial calculator makes connections between technical measures and profitability. Case studies of hotels who have successfully utilized EDGE with very little incremental cost will illuminate the business drivers for green action.
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Session 3: Risk and Resilience in the Built Environment
May 18, 2023
In this session, we will explore the topic of risk and how hotels can respond to climate risks and build their resilience, using the Destination Water Risk Index (DWRI) and the Building Resilience Index. DWRI maps areas of high water stress against areas of high hotel growth, enabling companies and investors to explore, assess, financially value and respond to water risks, in current and planned operations. Building Resilience Index is a web-based hazard mapping and resilience assessment framework for the building sector. It is designed to facilitate access to location-specific hazard information, provide resilience measures to mitigate applicable risks, and improve transparency for disclosing a building’s resilience information between sector stakeholders. During the live demo of the online platform, you will find out how to assess, improve, and disclose the resilience of your hotels.
Watch Webinar:

About the Organizers:
Sustainable Hospitality Alliance
The Sustainable Hospitality Alliance brings together hospitality industry leaders and strategic partners to address critical challenges affecting the planet, its people, local destinations, and communities. They currently have over 30 members with a global reach of 7 million rooms including world-leading hotel companies, regional brands, and other stakeholders in the hospitality value chain.
International Finance Corporation (IFC)
IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, advances economic development and improves the lives of people by encouraging the growth of the private sector in developing countries. IFC created EDGE to respond to the need for a measurable and credible solution to prove the business case for building green and to unlock financial investment. IFC additionally created the Building Resilience Index, a web-based hazard mapping and resilience assessment framework for the building sector.