User Documents
Review the following documents in order to gain a better understanding of the EDGE Methodology, including the cost model, embodied energy in materials, and the original EDGE Methodology Report, which is the starting point for understanding the basics of EDGE.
EDGE Methodology Report Version 2.0
The EDGE Methodology Report shows how a base case is established, how demand is calculated and how local climate conditions influence results. The report is intended for those who are inquisitive about underlying assumptions, equations and data sets.
India Construction Materials Database
Commissioned by the EU as part of its Eco-cities program, IFC’s “India Construction Materials Database of Embodied Energy and Global Warming Potential” is a collection of environmental data for 100 building products typically used in India, whether manufactured locally or imported. The data will be incorporated into a future version of the EDGE App.
EDGE Cost Model
The EDGE Cost Model outlines the general overall methodology followed by EDGE to create the cost database used in incremental cost calculations. The document discusses some features that will only be available in Version 3.0.0 of EDGE. Incremental cost calculations are intended to provide a sense of comparative costs rather than definitive cost estimates. The calculations integrate the impact of all options. For example, an upgrade to lighting or windows might be offset by savings from a smaller HVAC system, which can at times even produce a negative (-) incremental cost.
This collection serves as a repository of materials on the protocols for EDGE certification.
Certification Protocol Version 5.0
Read about the roles of the EDGE Auditor, EDGE Partner and IFC’s EDGE Operations and Maintenance Team in this document that sets out the process that must be followed in order for an EDGE Certificate to be issued.
EDGE Governance Protocol Overview
EDGE Protocol Glossary of Terms Version 5.0
Become familiar with definitions for some of the most commonly used terms in the EDGE Protocols.
EDGE Update Protocol 5.0
Licensing Protocol for EDGE Auditors Version 5.0
Discover the purpose of an EDGE Auditor and the pre-qualification and approval process in order to become one.
Licensing Protocol for EDGE Experts 5.0
Discover the purpose of an EDGE Expert and the approval process in order to become one.
Licensing Protocol for EDGE Faculty 5.0
User Guides
When you select a green measure from the EDGE software you can open a tooltip for quick insight. For more in-depth information, connect to the user guides of the five building types, which are also included here for easy access.
2025 EDGE User Guide for all Building Types Version 3 - Applicable for projects registered from January 1st, 2025
EDGE User Guide and Methodology Report for All Building Types Version 3 - Superseded, applicable for projects registered before January 1st, 2025
This EDGE User Guide for All Building Types (Version 3) contains the Methodology Report and complete list of efficiency measures available in EDGE. The consolidated guide contains a section on the EDGE certification process and policy updates in the last appendix.
EDGE User Guide for All Building Types Version 2.1
This EDGE User Guide for All Building Types (Version 2.1, Release B) contains the complete list of efficiency measures available in EDGE. The consolidated guide contains a section on the EDGE certification process and policy updates in the last appendix.
Information on embodied energy in materials can now be found separately in the Materials Reference Guide.
Research Reports
Check here often for new white papers that will be added over time. They are included to help gain a greater understanding of how we can collectively make a difference through green technologies and design.
MAGC Green Building Market Stakeholder Assessments
The UK-IFC Market Accelerator for Green Construction (MAGC) Research Program includes an assessment of perceived motivations and obstacles in selected Green Building markets. This assessment is based on a survey of nine stakeholder groups, including developers, real estate practitioners (i.e., brokers, real estate agents, and/or property managers), real estate investors (i.e., funds, REITs, and/or corporate landlords), financial institutions, building experts (i.e., architects, engineers, contractors, and Green Building experts), policy makers, commercial occupiers, and residential occupiers (i.e., tenants and homeowners).
MAGC Green Building Market Maturity Assessments
The Green Building Market country notes summarizes key market indicators based on IFC’s research on policy environment, building construction, and Green Building certification and finance.
The notes include the most recent Green Building developments in each country, coinciding with IFC’s with the launch of the UK-IFC Market Accelerator for Green Construction (MAGC) program.
This Green Building Market Snapshot is a summary of key market indicators based on IFC’s research on policy environment, building construction, and Green Building certification and finance. The year of the snapshot coincides with the launch of the UK-IFC Market Accelerator for Green Construction (MAGC) program in the country. Additionally, most recent Green Building developments in the market are included where available. IFC welcomes readers’ comments.
Refrigerant Selection to Reduce Climate Impact
IFC’s EDGE Team has issued this document on coolants as guidance on how to choose a “green” refrigerant in accordance with the Montreal Protocol. Refrigerants have significant environmental impact and care must be taken in their selection and management. Note that refrigerant selection is currently beyond the scope of the EDGE certification system, and this document is only provided as guidance.
Technical Updates
From time to time, technical updates are sent to registered users of the EDGE software to keep them current on improvements. An archive of updates can be found here in reverse chronological order.
Known issues with the EDGE Application are regularly published on this dedicated page.